Articles from n+1 Review
- Occupy the World together (2011)
- Thousand cities - Occupy Wall Street (2011)
- Egypt Revolt at the center of wide social chaos (2011)
- It is not a conjunctural crisis (n. 23 Jun 2008)
- In Lebanon a battle within the Middle East great war (2006)
- Nous les zonards voyous (en 2006)
- Prospects of normalization in Iraq (nr. 17, Apr. 2005)
- War in Iraq: pacifist nullity and re-emergence of "resistance" blah blah (leaflet, 2003)
- Communistic persistences in the course of human history (nr. 12, Sept. 2003)
- Iraqui invasion and the "military question" (nr. 11, March 2003)
- Palestine clash between coward bourgeoisies (leaflet, Apr. 2002)
- Houses that saved the World (nr. 7, Mar. 2002)
- Disunite Europe and the Currency of Its States (nr. 7, Mar. 2002)
- The Man and the work of the Sun (2001)
- The turning point (nr. 6, Dec 2001)
- The planetary war of the United States of America (nr. 6, Dec. 2001)
- Attack against United States (leaflet, abstract from nr. 6, Dec. 2001)
- Splitting the triumphant beast - The dogma, the action and the Ipse dixit (2001)
- War with no boundaries (leaflet, Nov. 2001)
- Social Brain manifestations (nr. 5, Sept. 2001)
- Detail labourer and production plan (nr. 1, dec. 2000)
- The social brain (nr. 0 May 2000)
- Investment pathologies (nr. 0, May 2000)
- Homo habilis and language (nr. 0, May 2000)
- Hurry obituaries (n. 0, May 2000)